Training Curricula
The European Training Curriculum for Radiology (former European Training Charter for Clinical Radiology) is designed to provide a valuable template for training radiologists and to enhance the quality of care for patients throughout Europe.
This existing current version is seen as a living document which is subject to continuous update and revision and is therefore solely available in electronic format.
European Training Curriculum for Radiology
(Edition 2024)
This version includes, for the first time, a chapter on Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs).
European Training Curriculum for Sub specialisation in Radiology
(Edition 2024)
For all Spanish speakers, you can find the Spanish version of the curriculum for years I-III here.
(Edition March 2015).
For future Radiologists
One of the ESR’s aims is to attract the best students to our discipline.
The Subcommittee on Undergraduate Education was established to suggest ways to standardise and promote the radiological education amongst medical students.
The Subcommittee on Undergraduate Education was established to suggest ways to standardise and promote the radiological education amongst medical students.
Curriculum for Undergraduate Radiological Education
(Edition June 2021)
This ESR Curriculum for Undergraduate Radiological Education represents a culmination of the ESR efforts aimed at harmonising undergraduate radiological education. The revision process was led by Prof. Vicky Goh, Chair of the ESR Undergraduate Education Subcommittee, and Prof. Minerva Becker, Chair of the ESR Education Committee, with the support of the members of the ESR Undergraduate Education Subcommittee.
The June 2021 edition of the Curriculum delivers a full and comprehensive update aimed at aligning the Curriculum with the current state of undergraduate education in Europe. As was the case with previous version, this document is designed to provide a valuable template and a set of guidelines for teachers.