ESR-led Thematic Network on advancing precision medicine for cancer patients concludes with successful Joint Statement

The European Society of Radiology (ESR) and EUCAIM are pleased to announce the release of a Joint Statement on Advancing Precision Medicine for Europe’s Cancer Patients with AI-powered Imaging.

The statement forms the main outcome of an ESR-led Thematic Network on the EU Health Policy Platform (EUHPP), which was launched following a successful proposal by the ESR and Cancer Image Europe (EUCAIM) for Thematic Networks in 2024.

The statement was developed during several months of collaborative work between the Network leaders and health stakeholders and has been endorsed by as many as 80 organisations and individuals. As part of this collaborative approach, stakeholders were invited to a webinar in September to learn about and discuss the proposed contents of the joint statement.

The joint statement proposes a Call for Action consisting of ten measures covering aspects such as literature review and validation, in-vivo clinical trials and screening, interdisciplinary collaboration, research strategy development, data quality and accessibility, regulatory compliance as well as trust-building and safety related to AI.

Endorsers include European medical/scientific societies, comprehensive cancer centres and universities, patient organisations, national radiology societies, relevant European projects, industry associations, AI innovators/companies, individuals and other European or (inter)national health stakeholders.
The ESR is delighted to witness such a high number and variety of health stakeholders sharing the goal to enhance precision medicine.

“It is heartening to see that not only numerous ESR national and subspecialties & allied sciences member societies, the ESR Patient Advisory Group, and the ESR’s European Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (EIBALL) endorsed the Joint Statement, but also a diverse range of other actors involved in cancer care. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of you”, said Prof. Regina Beets-Tan, Director of Imaging Innovation Research at Netherlands Cancer Institute and former ESR President, on behalf of the Thematic Network’s core team.

“By endorsing the Joint Statement, you have expressed your commitment to contribute to the full implementation of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan – in particular its flagship project EUCAIM, the EU Cancer Mission, and the EU’s digital health policies”, Prof. Luis Martí-Bonmatí, EUCAIM Scientific Coordinator, added.

The Joint Statement has been published on the EU Health Policy Platform and is freely accessible on the webpage of the EUHPP Annual Meeting held on November 26, 2024, here. Following the closure of the 2025 cycle, the Thematic Network on Advancing Precision Medicine for Europe’s Cancer Patients with AI-powered Imaging has been transformed into an Exchange Network, where dialogue and work will continue.

The ESR is looking forward to collaborating with stakeholders on the implementation of the actions proposed by the Joint Statement.

Press contact
Mr. David ZIZKA
Director of Communications
Am Gestade 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
[email protected]

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European Radiology, Insights into Imaging, European Radiology Experimental.