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Executive Council

Board of Directors & Committee Chairs
Carlo Catalano
Chairperson of the ESR Board of Directors
Carlo Catalano, Rome/IT
Chairperson of the ESR Board of Directors

Carlo Catalano is Chairman of the Department of Radiology at Policlinico Umberto I, Professor of Radiology at Sapienza University of Rome, and Chair of the Radiology Training Programme of Radiology.

Professor Catalano is a co-founder of STITCH (Sapienza information-based Technology Innovation Center for Health) and the European Working Group on MR-guided FUS. His main clinical and research interests are cardiovascular imaging, oncologic imaging, specifically abdominal and genitourinary diseases, and interventional radiology, primarily in image-guided therapy. He was among the first users of MR angiography and, more recently, of MR-guided interventions.

As an educator, Professor Catalano has been Chair of the Radiology Training Program at Sapienza, the largest in Italy, for more than ten years. He is currently Chairperson of the ESR Board of Directors and a board member of several of the most prestigious radiological journals and a member of numerous societies, having been President of the Italian Society of Cardiac Radiology, a member and treasurer of the Executive Committee of the ESCR (European Society for Cardiac Radiology), and currently on the board of the Italian Society of Radiology representing international relationships.

Andrea G. Rockall
ESR President
ECR 2025 Programme Planning Committee Chairperson
Andrea G. Rockall, London/UK
ESR President | ECR 2025 Programme Planning Committee Chairperson

Andrea Rockall is Clinical Chair in Radiology at Imperial College London and Honorary Consultant Radiologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, with clinical expertise in genito-urinary imaging.

After graduating from medical school at King's College London, and completion of MRCP (internal medicine), she trained in radiology at St Mary's Hospital and University College Hospital, London. She was awarded the Rohan Williams Medal (Gold Medal) for the FRCR examination. In 2000, she was appointed as Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary University London and Honorary Consultant Radiologist at Barts and The London NHS Trust. Following appointments at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and the Royal Marsden Hospital, Professor Rockall was appointed as Clinical Chair of Radiology, Imperial College London. She has served as Chair of the Female Pelvic Imaging group of ESUR, member of ORADS steering committee, Chair of the ESR National Societies Committee and is currently ESR President.

Professor Rockall's special interests are in genitourinary cancer, image-based clinical trials, and machine-learning applications in radiology, being Chief Investigator on CRUK and NIHR funded studies in these areas. She contributes widely to undergraduate, postgraduate, and specialist radiology education and is passionate about sustainability in healthcare.

Minerva Becker
1st Vice-President
ECR 2026 Programme Planning Committee Chairperson
Minerva Becker, Geneva/CH
1st Vice-President | ECR 2026 Programme Planning Committee Chairperson

Minerva Becker is Professor of Radiology and Head of the Imaging Unit of Head and Neck and Maxillofacial Radiology, Diagnostic Department, at the University Hospitals of Geneva.

Professor Becker’s clinical expertise and main fields of research include head and neck and maxillo-facial imaging. Her track record is mainly in head and neck oncology research including hybrid and multiparametric imaging, and texture analysis towards a personalized treatment approach. Further research fields include imaging of the salivary glands, orbit, and skull base.

Professor Becker has received over 30 international and national scientific awards and prizes and has obtained several research grants supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. She is the author of over 200 scientific publications and is a co-editor of Valvassouri's Head and Neck Imaging. She is a reviewer for numerous international scientific journals and participates equally as an external expert in international and national juries for university nominations and promotions.

Professor Becker is an enthusiastic teacher with over 350 invited lectures at international and national meetings and was awarded the 2015 ESOR Best Teacher Award. As Chair of the Education Committee of the European Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ESHNR), she oversaw the European training curriculum and subspecialty diploma in head and neck radiology. She is the Past-President of the ESHNR and an honorary member of the European Laryngological Society.

Between March 2021 and July 2023, Professor Becker served as Chair of the Education Committee of the European Society of Radiology (ESR).

Mathias Prokop
2nd Vice-President
Mathias Prokop, Nijmegen/NL
2nd Vice-President

Mathias Prokop is Professor of Radiology and Chairman of two departments in the Netherlands, Nijmegen and Groningen.

He had studied Medicine and Physics in Germany and trained at Hanover Medical School. His career took him to Vienna, Austria and Utrecht in the Netherlands, where he established himself as one of the pioneers of novel CT technologies and lung screening. He published more than 400 scientific articles and is a prolific speaker at international conferences.

His department in Nijmegen focusses on impactful innovations in care and now hosts one of the largest research groups in Europe. Together with Groningen he aims to implement AI-supported cross-hospital workflows and integrated care concepts. His goal is to build a blueprint for healthcare in which work remains satisfying and care affordable. As president of Dutch Society of Radiology, he initiated a strategic re-orientation of Radiology away from pure reporting to better positioning it within future healthcare environments. He considers meaningful use of AI a necessary enabling factor in this process.

Adrian P. Brady
Past President
Adrian P. Brady, Cork/IE
Past President

Adrian Brady is a consultant radiologist at the Mercy University Hospital, Cork, and a Clinical Professor of Radiology in University College Cork, Ireland. With particular interests in interventional radiology and abdominal (GI and GU) imaging.

After medical school and radiology training in Dublin, he moved to Canada for fellowship training in Hamilton, Ontario, before becoming a staff radiologist in Toronto. In 1995 he moved to his present post in Cork.

Prof. Brady is also Medical Director of the National Centre for Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) in Ireland and has a particular interest and expertise in the management of pulmonary AVMs. He has served in many posts within the Irish National Radiology Society (which also runs nationwide specialist radiology training) - the Faculty of Radiologists of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland - having been Dean (President) of the Faculty from 2010 to 2012. He has been involved in ESR activities for many years, chaired the ESR Quality Safety & Standards Committee from 2017 to 2020, and served as Chair of the ESR Board of Directors from July 2023 until March 2024 and is now ESR Past-President.

Prof. Brady has published and spoken widely in recent years on professional issues, including radiologists' workload, errors and discrepancies in radiology, radiology reporting style and structure, value-based imaging, and artificial intelligence in radiology (with a particular emphasis on ethics). He has also served as co-lead of ESR-led European Commission funded projects on Clinical Audit and Workforce Planning in radiology.

Marie-Pierre Revel
Communication and Interdisciplinary Affairs Committee Chairperson
Marie-Pierre Revel, Paris/FR
Communication and Interdisciplinary Affairs Committee Chairperson

Marie-pierre Revel is Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Radiology, Cochin Hospital Paris Cité University, Paris, France.

Professor Revel's main clinical and research interests are thoracic imaging and oncology imaging, more specifically lung cancer and its screening, thromboembolic disease, particularly pulmonary embolism in the context of pregnancy and postpartum, and the applications of artificial intelligence in thoracic imaging. In France, she coordinates the CASCADE study (Lung Cancer Screening in French women using low-dose CT and Artificial intelligence for DEtection) and is responsible for improving knowledge and female participation in lung cancer screening within the SOLACE consortium, funded by the EU4health program.

Professor Revel was president of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) in 2019. She was made an honorary member of ESTI at the Oxford Congress in 2022. She chairs the society's Lung Cancer Screening Committee. She is also a member of the French Society of Radiology and of the Fleischner society.

Professor Revel is an enthusiastic teacher who has given over 300 invited lectures at national and international conferences. She is a member of the ESOR Steering Committee. She received the EuroMinnies 2023 Most Effective Radiology Educator Award at ECR 2023, and will receive the Korean Society of Radiology -Honorary Educator Award at the 79th Korean Congress of Radiology (KCR 2023), in Seoul in September 2023.

She has been an ECR faculty member since 2011, and has served as a member or chair of the ECR Chest Subcommittee and the ECR Program Planning Committee.

Professor Revel is a section editor for the European Journal of Radiology and serves as a reviewer for numerous journals. She is the author of over 160 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals (index H 40).

Annemiek Snoeckx
Education Committee Chairperson
Annemiek Snoeckx, Antwerp/BE
Education Committee Chairperson

Annemiek Snoeckx is Associate Professor at the University of Antwerp and Chair of the Radiology Department of the Antwerp University Hospital in Belgium. She graduated as medical doctor in 2003 at the University of Antwerp. She is a board certified radiologist since 2008 and has been working since then at the University Hospital of Antwerp.

Her clinical and research interests are in the field of chest imaging, in particular thoracic oncology (in general), lung cancer, pulmonary nodules, lung cancer screening and implementation of artificial intelligence.

She is an active member of numerous committees within the European Society of Radiology, European Society of Thoracic Imaging and European Respiratory Society. She served as member of the Chest Subcommittee of the European Congress of Radiology in 2017, 2018 and, 2019 and was part of the Programme Planning Committee for ECR 2023 and 2024.

In the field of education, she has been member (2019-2021, 2023-2026) and chairperson (2020-2023) of the ESTI Training and Educational Committee. She is team leader of the Chest Radiology Written Evaluation Committee for the European Diploma in Radiology (EDIR) since 2020. She is academic coordinator of the radiology residency programme at the University of Antwerp.

Annemiek is passionate about education on thoracic oncology topics. She authored or co- authored 80+ papers in peer-reviewed journals and has lectured at many national and international meetings and courses.

Maija Radziņa
Finance and Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson
Maija Radziņa, Riga/LV
Finance and Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson

Maija Radziņa is Associate Professor of University of Latvia, Program director of Radiology Residency training program and Radiology study programms and Leading Researcher in Riga Stradins university as Chief of Radiology Research Laboratory in Latvia. She has served as President of Latvian Radiology Association (LRA) president (2015-2023) and currently acts as Vice-President of Latvian Radiology and Ultrasound Societies and has been appointed as Chief specialist in Radiology for Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia.

Dr Radziņa is especially interested and active in postgraduate education in her home country and throughout Europe. Additionally, Maija Radzina is involved in Program Planning Committee of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in 2023 and 2024.

She chaired the European Federation of Ultrasound Societies in medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) Education and Professional Standards Committee (EPSC) 2019-2021 and Executive Board Co-opted member 2021-2023 and serves as UEMS Radiology Section member (since 2018) and has been involved in the Steering Committee of the European School of Radiology (ESOR), and served as Chairman of the Board Examination in Radiology in Latvia. In addition, she acted as a member of RSNA Regional Committee for Europe (2015-2022) and RSNA Science Council and QIBA task force group member (since 2022).

Currently she isinvolved as Member at Large in ESGAR Executive Commitee (since 2021) and CERN Medicis Board member (since 2018).

The main focus of Dr Maija Radziņa clinical and scientific work includes Abdominal and Oncology imaging and Vascular examinations. She has dedicated her research for various pathologies, including Stroke imaging and CT perfusion, PET/CT and MRI of Prostate, Colorectal and Renal cancer and her speciality is Ultrasound - Contrast enhanced ultrasound of Abdominal and Superficial organs (Thyroid, Parathyroid) as well as Musculoskeletal imaging (Peripheral nerves), and US Elastography. She has given more than 200 invited lectures, authored and co-authored more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and authored several book chapters. Her contribution to the professional guidelines and position papers (EFSUMB, ESR) and organization of international congresses (BCR, EUROSON) has been well recognized by the radiology community.

Christian Loewe
ESR National Societies Committee Chairperson
Christian Loewe, Vienna/AT
ESR National Societies Committee Chairperson

Dr Christian Loewe is Chairman of the Division of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, Department of Bioimaging and Image-Guided Therapy, at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria. He also currently chairs the Guidelines Committee of the European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR). Additionally, Christian Loewe is President-Elect of the Austrian Rontgen Society and was Chairman of the Program Planning Committee of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in 2019 and 2021 and Program Director of the ESR Summer Edition in 2021. He is also Chairperson of the National Society Committee at ESR for the period 2022 – 2025.

Dr Loewe is especially interested and active in postgraduate education in his home country and throughout Europe. He chaired the European Board of Cardiovascular Radiology (EBCR) for six years and was responsible for the European Diploma in Cardiovascular Radiology. He serves as a member of the Steering Committee of the European School of Radiology (ESOR), and he is Chairman of the Austrian Board Examination in Radiology.

Dr Loewe was a member of the Editorial Board of European Radiology from 2002 to 2011, Associate Editor of Radiology from 2011 to 2017, and is currently Consultant to the Editor. Since 2020, he has also been Deputy Editor of Insights into Imaging (I3).

The main focus of Dr Loewe's clinical and scientific work includes non-invasive cardiovascular imaging (CT and MRI of the heart, CT angiography, and MR angiography) and diagnosis and treatment of aortic diseases. He has given more than 350 invited lectures, authored and co-authored more than 150 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and authored five book chapters.

Marc Dewey
Publications Committee Chairperson
Marc Dewey, Berlin/DE
Publications Committee Chairperson

Marc Dewey is Heisenberg Professor of the German Research Foundation and Vice-Chair of Radiology at Charité, Universitätsmedizin, Berlin.

Professor Dewey's primary research interest is cardiovascular imaging. He coordinates the Pan-European randomized DISCHARGE trial published in NEJM, the COME-CCT consortium, and the Quantitative Cardiac Imaging Study Group.

He was the first radiologist to be appointed Heisenberg Professor at the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2012. Marc Dewey is editor of the textbook Cardiac CT published by SpringerNature and is consultant to the editor of Radiology. His team has more than 230 publications with an impact factor of more than 1,400 and his h-index is more than 50 (more details here).

He has received the two highest scientific awards of the German Röntgen Society (DRG): the Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Award in 2009 and the Marie Curie Ring in 2012. He was secretary of congress of the DRG in 2010 and president of the Berlin-Brandenburg Radiological Society from 2011 to 2013, when he introduced the Gustav Bucky Award to recognize a German radiologist who pioneered x-ray techniques and was forced to leave Germany in 1933.

He initiated the Clinical Trials in Radiology sessions at ECR 2015 and the "My Thesis in 3 minutes" sessions together with Dr. Marc Zins in 2018. Marc Dewey served as chair of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) scientific program committee from 2019 to 2020, and is member of the ESR Executive Council from 2019-2025: first as Research Committee Chair from 2019 to 2022 and from 2022 until 2025 as ESR Publications Committee Chair with a focus on intensifying the collaboration between subspecialties and national societies.

At ECR 2018, Marc Dewey presented the Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Honorary Lecture, "Value-based radiology: the future is now!" which was published as a summary in The Lancet in the same year and in full in Nature Digital Medicine in 2019.

You can read more about his research activities on his group website.

Emanuele Neri
Quality, Safety and Standards Committee Chairperson
Emanuele Neri, Pisa/IT
Quality, Safety and Standards Committee Chairperson

Dr. Emanuele Neri is full Professor of Radiology at the University of Pisa, Italy, Dean of the Medical School, Chair of the Department of Radiology and of the Radiology Residency program. His major research interests are Imaging informatics and Oncologic imaging with special interest on the development of imaging biomarkers, imaging biobanks and artificial intelligence.

Dr. Neri is member of the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM) and delegate for international affairs, of the European Society of Radiology (ESR), where he served in several committees and subcommittees, especially in the Quality, safety and standards as chair of the eHealth and informatics. He is member of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) where he served as member of the Radiology Informatics Committee.

Dr. Neri is President of the European Society of Oncologic Imaging (ESOI), and Past President, Honorary member and founder of the European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics (EuSoMII).

He is local investigator of several EU-funded research projects with special focus on image processing, development of imaging biomarkers, imaging biobanks and artificial intelligence: EUCAIM (European Federation for Cancer Images), EucanImage (Towards a European cancer imaging platform for enhanced Artificial Intelligence in oncology), CHAIMELEON (Accelerating the lab to market transition of AI tools for cancer management), Procancer-I (An AI Platform integrating imaging data and models, supporting precision care through prostate cancer’s continuum), PRIMAGE (PRedictive In-silico Multiscale Analytics to support cancer personalized diaGnosis and prognosis, Empowered by imaging biomarkers).

Dr. Neri is consultant to the editor of the journal Radiology artificial intelligence, member of the scientific editorial board of La Radiologia Medica and European Radiology experimental, Associate editor of Future Oncology.

Marion Smits
Research Committee Chairperson
Marion Smits, Rotterdam/NL
Research Committee Chairperson

Marion Smits is full professor and chief of neuroradiology at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. She is senior fellow of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), fellow of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), and honorary member of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). In 2021, AuntMinnie Europe declared Professor Smits Most Influential Researcher in Radiology.

Professor Smits combines clinical work as a neuro- and head & neck radiologist with scientific research into applied physiological MR neuroimaging, such as functional MRI, diffusion, and perfusion imaging. She uses these techniques to visualise the brain's function and microarchitecture and to study the pathophysiological and regenerative processes in various neurological diseases. Her primary focus is neuro-oncology.

Professor Smits actively participates in key national and international organisations. She is chair of Research & International Relations on the board of the Radiological Society of the Netherlands (NVvR) and chair of the Brain Tumour Group imaging committee at the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). She was chair of the Publications committee at ESR 2019-2022 and President of the ESMRMB in 2020. She uses this unique combination of affiliations to establish productive connections between relevant clinical research questions and implement scientific innovation in clinical practice while disseminating knowledge and expertise through her numerous teaching activities.

Núria Bargalló
Subspecialities and Allied Sciences Committee Chairperson
Núria Bargalló, Barcelona/ES
Subspecialities and Allied Sciences Committee Chairperson

Núria Bargalló graduated from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona in 1988 and was trained in radiology in the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. She obtained her PhD in 2004 at the University of Barcelona. Currently is head of the Neuroradiology section of the Radiology Department at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Associated Professor at the University of Barcelona and Strategic Director of the Magnetic resonance Image Core Facility of the Research Institute IDIBAPS in Barcelona.

She has been very participative in scientific societies. She is the president of the Spanish Society of Neuroradiology and the chair of the Subspecialities and Allied Sciences Committee of the ESR.

Professor Bargalló's field of expertise is advanced neuroimage in epilepsy, degenerative disease, and psychiatry. She has led several research studies on clinical application of advanced MR technique sequences and post-processing. She participates in international consortiums to increase image data on psychiatric diseases and epilepsy (ENIGMA and MELD). She participates in numerous national and international education activities, disseminating her knowledge in Neuroradiology.

Konstantin Nikolaou
Digital, AI and Emerging Technologies Committee Chairperson
Konstantin Nikolaou (DE)
Digital, AI and Emerging Technologies Committee Chairperson

Konstantin Nikolaou is a Professor of Radiology and Chairman of the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the Eberhard-Karl-University in Tübingen, Germany. He received his medical degree from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich in the year 2000, where he also became an Assistant Professor at the Department of Clinical Radiology, University Hospitals Munich, after finalising his PhD-thesis on the topic of modern cardiovascular computed tomography techniques in 2007. He was the Vice Chair of the same Department from 2007 to 2014.

Professor Nikolaou joined the Eberhard-Karl-University Tübingen in April 2014 as Chairman of the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. His main fields of interest are multimodality and multiparametric imaging modalities in oncology and non-invasive imaging of cardiovascular diseases. He has authored and co-authored over 400 peer-reviewed publications.

Professor Nikolaou is President of the German Roentgen Ray Society (DRG) as well as a member of the Executive Committee of the European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR), Member of the International Society of Strategic Studies in Radiology (IS3R) and Honorary Member of the Greek Society of Radiology. He has been involved in several national and international publicly funded grants and is currently one of the principal investigators within the “Cluster of Excellence” (German Ministry of Education and Research) project on "Image-Guided and Functionally Instructed Tumor Therapies (iFIT)" (2180 EXC).

Ioana Gheonea
Young ESR Committee Chairperson
Ioana Gheonea (RO)
ESR Committee Chairperson

Ioana-Andreea Gheonea, MD, PhD, is Professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova and President of the Romanian Society of Radiology and Imaging (2021-2023). She served as Romanian delegate in ESR Quality, Safety and Standards Committee and also Research Committee and has been appointed as Vice-President of Radiology Specialty Committee for Romanian Ministry of Health. Professor Ioana Gheonea is a member of several national and international societies, guest editor of a special issue of Life Journal, author of a national patent, has (co)authored numerous publications and delivered lectures in radiology and imaging and also at other clinical specialty meetings. Her research interest is suggested by her participation as project director and also as member in national and international projects.

Dr. Ioana Andreea Gheonea especially interest includes Abdominal Imaging, Breast Imaging and Artificial Intelligence, but also General Radiology and Imaging.

Professor Ioana Gheonea is committed to fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and delivering innovative solutions for patient care. Another interest is seeking opportunities to contribute to cutting-edge research, education, and clinical practice.

Valérie Vilgrain
Scientific Director of the European School of Radiology (ESOR)
Valérie Vilgrain, Paris/FR
Scientific Director of the European School of Radiology (ESOR)

Dr. Valérie Vilgrain is Chair of the Department of Radiology at the University Beaujon Hospital and Professor of Radiology at the University of Paris Cité, France. Her major research interests are diagnostic and interventional imaging of the liver, pancreas and bile ducts.

Dr. Vilgrain is member of several international and national societies, such as ESR (European Society of Radiology), RSNA (Radiological Society of North America), ESGAR (European Society of Gastro Abdominal Radiology), EASL (European Association for the Study of Liver), SFR (French Radiological Society), and International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology (IS3R). She was chairman of the Education Program Committee of the SFR annual meeting from 2000-2008 and has been Vice-Chairman of the French Society from 2010 to 2014. She chaired the RSNA Regional Committee for Europe (2015-2018). She is member of ESGAR Executive committee and she is the Scientific Director of ESOR (European School of Radiology) since March 2018. 

Dr. Vilgrain has published more than 500 peer-reviewed papers (H-Number: 78) and has been a principal investigator of several large multicenter clinical trials, including the SARAH trial. Since 2012 she has participated to many European guidelines: liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma, management of patients with neuroendocrine liver metastases, management of benign liver tumours, management of hepatocellular carcinoma, consensus statement on liver MR imaging and clinical use of liver-specific contrast agents, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and cystic liver lesions.

She has served on the Editorial Board of Radiology (Associate Editor 2007-2012, Consultant to the Editor 2012-2017), and she is currently on the Editorial Board of Abdominal Radiology. She is a reviewer for several radiological journals: Radiology, European Radiology, AJR, European Journal of Radiology, and clinical journals: Gut, Hepatology, Journal of Hepatology, Liver Transplantation, and European Journal of Cancer.

Peter Baierl
Executive Director
Peter Baierl
Executive Director

Committee Members:

ChairpersonMarie-Pierre Revel (FR)
Members at largeColin Jacobs (NL)
Valeria Panebianco (IT)
Maxime Ronot France (FR)
Rozemarijn Vliegenthart (NL)
ESR PresidentAndrea Rockall (UK)
ESR 2nd Vice-PresidentMathias Prokop (NL)
Patient Advisory Group (ESR-PAG) ChairpersonCaroline Justich (AT)
Value-Based Radiology Subcommittee ChairpersonJacob Visser (NL)
Director of ESOR (ex-officio, non-voting)Valerie Vilgrain (FR)
ESR Executive Director (ex-officio, non-voting)Peter Baierl (AT)

Patient Advisory Group

Caroline Justich
Be accepted Caroline Justich Be Accepted Caroline Justich, an experienced salesperson, with a focus on communication, financial services and real estate holds commercial power of Infomica Immobilienbörse GmbH.

Always aware of the big picture, she brings all stakeholders together to lead them towards a common target. She studied Industrial Psychology in Miami at FIU and a module of languages, economics and law at Karl Franzens University in Graz.

She joined the ESR-PAG group in 2019 with the goal to create a better doctor-patient relationship in order to meet all participants’ needs. This has a lot to do with communication. Due to her experience, she is able to train and develop tools and strategies to improve this interaction. This will strengthen the radiologists’ position as its unique selling point (USP) in times of surge of the artificial intelligence and improve “how” critical information is transmitted to a patient. The importance of the way information is communicated has been shown in various studies.

Marie-Pierre Revel, Chairperson of the ESR Communication and Interdisciplinary Affairs Committee

Representatives of pan-European patient organisations:

Judy Birch
Pelvic Pain Support Network (PPSN) Judy Birch Pelvic Pain Support Network (PPSN)
Facebook | Website 1 | Website 2

Judy Birch is a member of the International Alliance of Patients Organizations (IAPO) , the European Federation of Pain (EFIC) and founder member in 2011 of Pain Alliance Europe (PAE).

As the co-founder of the Pelvic Pain Support Network (PPSN), she provides support, information and advocacy for those with pelvic pain via the website, the message board and Facebook. The network advocates for those with pelvic pain at policy, clinical, guideline development meetings and conferences keeping up to date with research and practice.

A key aim is to improve health care professional and public awareness of the impact of pelvic pain. They deliver university sessions on “patient experience” for undergraduate health professionals as well as for practicing clinicians. Judy represents those with pelvic pain in many research trials and studies to improve the quality of life of those with pelvic pain. All of her roles are voluntary, and she supports research trials to improve the Quality of Life of those with pelvic pain.

Judy became a member of the ESR-PAG in 2013.

Erik Briers
Europa Uomo (European Prostate Cancer Coalition) Erik Briers Europa Uomo (European Prostate Cancer Coalition) Erik Briers is Belgian and born in Hasselt, Belgium.

He is co-founder (2004) of the European Prostate Cancer Coalition (Europa Uomo), board member of the Belgian patient prostate cancer support group Us-Too Belgium, and chief editor of the magazine “PROSTAATinfo”. Erik played many roles in patient engagement including on medicines and development of new medicines.

He served a 3 year-term as an alternate patient representative on the Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) of the EMA, and acts regularly as a speaker on how to engage patients in the development of both new medicines and clinical trials.

One of his key issues is the imbalance between literacy and access to healthcare, novel medicines, and clinical trials - patients must be able to understand documentation. Erik was an invited speaker at many fora on this subject and on doctor-patient communication.

He has been an active member of ESR-PAG since 2013. He believes imaging in all its forms is of highest importance for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cancers, including his own, with the increased importance of new guidelines including MRI imaging.

Cheryl Cruwys
Dense Breast Info Cheryl Cruwys Dense Breast Info
Twitter | Facebook

Cheryl Cruwys is British, born in London, UK.

Cheryl was diagnosed early with breast cancer in 2016 in France thanks to the French standard practice of performing supplemental screening on dense breast tissue.

She is co-founder of Breast Density Matters UK and has been instrumental in the UK Breast Density Education effort for both health professionals and patients, raising awareness of the implications of dense breasts. Based on her research-driven approach to raising awareness, Cheryl was invited by medically-sourced DenseBreast-info to join the organization as European Education Coordinator.

Cheryl regularly lobbies Westminster for improved education for patients and more effective screening for women with dense breasts. Cheryl is also a patient representative on the ecancer medical science Editorial Board. All her roles are voluntary.

In March 2019, she became a member of the European Society of Radiology’s Patient Advisory Group, and recognised that the ESR-PAG offers the ideal platform to encourage discussion on patient-focussed initiatives. Her principal aim is to improve information and communication between imaging experts and patients.

Debra Montague
Lung Cancer Europe (LuCe) Debra Montague Lung Cancer Europe (LuCe) Debra Montague has over 25 years of experience at a senior level in the pharmaceutical industry. She retired for health reasons when diagnosed with Stage IV ALK-positive lung cancer nearly 8 years ago.

Her personal experience with lung cancer pushed her to advocate for better screening and prevention policies to improve cancer patients’ health outcomes with the promotion of early detection. She founded the ALK Positive Lung Cancer (UK) charity in December 2018 and membership, including patients and families, is now at 699. The charity provides support to, empowerment of and advocacy on behalf of patients.

Debra now divides her time between running the charity, giving personal support to patients going through bad times and advocating throughout the UK and Europe.

Debra has addressed conferences of thoracic oncologists and LC nurse specialists on aspects of living with LC, including frequency of scans, living with brain mets and side effects.

She also campaigns to raise awareness of LC in never-smokers.

Debra works in partnership on joint projects with other UK charities, in particular EGFR Positive UK and the Ruth Strauss Foundation. She is also Vice-President of Lung Cancer Europe, a Board member of ALK Positive Europe and advices pharmaceutical companies on the patient experience of living with LC.

Isabelle Florentin

Evelyn Steinthaler
(no affiliation)

Steve Ebdon-Jackson
(no affiliation) Steve Ebdon-Jackson (no affiliation) Steve Ebdon-Jackson has lived near Reading, England for the past 47 years, having attended university there.

From childhood he was a hospital patient after experiencing significant traumas. Following university, he chose to spend his working life in posts associated with healthcare – firstly as a medical physicist, and then as a government policy maker, regulator and adviser. Having retired in 2019, he has continued to work with ESR, WHO and IAEA. He continues to speak at international events, both as a former professional and as a patient - past, present and future - and eventually became a member of the ESR-PAG in 2023.

His major interests lie in advocating for value added radiology, ethical approaches for patients, and improving communication, such that all patients receive appropriate imaging that informs their healthcare pathways.

Additional members:

Dr. Dominique Carrié / Radiologist, Toulouse (France)
Gennaro D'Anna / Neuroradiologist, Milan (Italy)
Mag. Claudia Fuchs (Austria) Mag. Claudia Fuchs Claudia Fuchs has been living with Crohn's disease since 2013, a condition that significantly impacted her life and career. In 2016, she made the decision to leave her role as a press officer for the Austrian Soccer League. Her personal journey with Crohn's disease led her to a new mission: supporting others with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).

In 2017, Claudia took on the role of managing Austria’s largest self-help platform for IBD,, an initiative of the Austrian Crohn’s Colitis Association , where she is also a member. This platform provides invaluable support and resources to those affected by IBD. Claudia understands firsthand the constant need for monitoring and the stress associated with various diagnostic procedures, such as ultrasound, MRI, CT scans, and endoscopic exams. She is acutely aware of the anxieties and challenges that are inevitable when living with an IBD.

Claudia is passionate about enhancing patient care and believes that specialized healthcare training and better information materials are crucial. Her dedication to advocating for these improvements is now amplified since she became a member of the European Society of Radiology’s Patient Advisory Group in July 2024.

Alicia England (United Kingdom) Alicia England Alicia England is British and born in Warrington, England.

Alicia recently completed a law degree and has an interest in medical law and ethics which extends from her own experience of undergoing complex spinal surgery at a young age.

Becoming a part of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) Webinar Series as an audio-visual technician in 2021, she has experience in radiography and the involvement of patients in informing practice. She has contributed to charity activities helping raise money for patients receiving spinal surgery. Additionally, Alicia has delivered public lectures to multiple bodies including the UK National Health Service (NHS) to spread awareness of adolescent spinal surgery and its impact on patients and families.

From an early age Alicia has undergone multiple types of radiological imaging, including X-rays, CT and MRI scanning. Following a diagnosis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, Alicia has experienced patient to imaging professional (radiographer / radiologist) relationships in terms of being imaged prior to, during and after complex surgery. Alicia understands the implications of undergoing radiology examinations and the impact of chronic disease on a young person.

Alicia joined the ESR-PAG in 2024.
ESR 2nd Vice-President
Mathias Prokop

ESR Quality, Safety and Standards Committee Chairperson
Emanuele Neri

ESR National Societies Committee Chairperson
Christian Loewe

ESR Subspecialties and Allied Sciences Committee Chairperson
Núria Bargalló Alabart

European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS)
Charlotte Beardmore

The ESR Patient Advisory Group (ESR-PAG) was launched during the ECR in March 2013.

The group is chaired by a patient representative, and the Chairperson of the ESR Communication and External Affairs Committee serves as vice-chairperson.

The goal of ESR-PAG is to bring together patients, the public and imaging professionals in order to positively influence advances in the field of medical imaging to the benefit of European patients and radiologists.

Please click here for more information.

Value-Based Radiology Subcommittee

Value-Based Radiology Subcommittee Chairperson

Jacob Visser (NL)

Chairperson of the ESR Communication and External Affairs Committee

Marie-Pierre Revel (FR)

Chairperson of the EuroSafe Imaging Steering Committee

Boris Brkljačić (HR)

Patient Advisory Group (ESR-PAG) Representative

Judy Birch (UK)

Radiographer Representative

Ruth Strudwick (UK)


Patrick Omoumi (CH)
Cristina Garcia-Villar (ES)
Naama Lev-Cohain (IL)
Philip Robinson (UK)

Chairperson (ESR 1st Vice-President)Andrea Rockall (UK)
ESR 2nd Vice-President Minerva Becker (CH)
ESR PresidentCarlo Catalano (IT)
Chairperson of the ESR Board of DirectorsAdrian Brady (IE)
ESR Past-PresidentRegina Beets-Tan (NL)
ESR Executive Director (ex-officio, non-voting)Peter Baierl (AT)
Chairperson of the Research Committee (ex-officio, non-voting)Marion Smits (NL)
Chairperson of the Education Committee (ex-officio, non-voting)Annemiek Snoeckx (BE)

Experts to be appointed

(Chairperson) ESR 1st Vice-President Minerva Becker
ESR 2nd Vice-President Mathias Prokop
ESR President Andrea Rockall
Chair of the ESR Board of Directors Carlo Catalano
ESR Past-President Adrian Brady
ESR Executive Director Peter Baierl
Research Committee Chairperson Marion Smits
Education Committee Chairperson Annemiek Snoeckx
Young ESR Committee Chairperson Ioana Gheonea
Digital, AI and Emerging Technologies Committee Chairperson Konstantin Nikolaou

Board Members:

ChairpersonAnnemiek Snoeckx (BE)
ESR 2nd Vice-PresidentMathias Prokop (NL)
Chairperson of the Subspecialties and Allied Sciences Committee Núria Bargalló Alabart (ES)
Chairperson of the National Societies Committee Christian Loewe (AT)
Chairperson of the Quality, Safety and Standards Committee Emanuele Neri (IT)
Chairperson of the Young ESR CommitteeIoana Gheonea (RO)
Chairperson of the e-Learning Subcommittee Fleur Kilburn-Toppin (UK)
Chairperson of the Radiology Trainees Forum (RTF) Subcommittee Saif Afat (DE)
Chairperson of the Undergraduate Education Subcommittee Edith Vassallo (MT)
ESOR Director Valérie Vilgrain (FR)
EDiR Scientific Director Laura Oleaga (ES)
ETAP 2.0 Scientific Director Jeanette Kraft (UK)
Members at largeThomas Frauenfelder (CH)
Jussi Hirvonen (FI)
Maja Hrabak Paar (HR)
Valérie Laurent (FR)
Society Delegates:
ARMENIA Kostan Galumyan AUSTRIA Rüdiger Schernthaner
AZERBAIJAN Malakhat Sultanova BELARUS Siarhei Kharuzhyk
BULGARIA Chavdar Bachvarov CYPRUS Chrysa Tziakouri
CZECHIA Martin Kyncl ESTONIA Jaanika Paemre
FINLAND Jussi Hirvonen FRANCE Isabelle Thomassin-Naggara
GERMANY Marc-André Weber GREECE Kyriaki Tavernaraki
HUNGARY Eszter Ajna Olajos ICELAND Maríanna Gardarsdóttir
IRELAND Mark Knox ISRAEL Galit Aviram
ITALY Guido Ligabue KAZAKHSTAN Zhanar Abdrakhmanova
LATVIA Maija Radzina LITHUANIA Raminta Lukšaitė-Lukštė
MALTA Adrian Mizzi MOLDOVA Marina Nepotu
NORTH MACEDONIA Sonja Nikolovna THE NETHERLANDS Stefan Rosendaal
NORWAY Johan Castberg Hellund POLAND Joanna Podgórska
PORTUGAL Luísa Costa Andrade ROMANIA Lucian Florescu
RUSSIA Tatyana Rostovtseva SLOVAKIA Andrej Klepanec
SLOVENIA Domen Plut SPAIN José Maria García Santos
SWEDEN Mats Geijer SWITZERLAND Andreas Hötker
UKRAINE Uliana Pidvalna UNITED KINGDOM Priya Suresh
CIRSE Laura Crocetti ESHIMT Michel Eisenblätter
ESMRMB Carlo Quattrocchi EUSOBI Fleur Kilburn-Toppin
ESCR Dominika Suchá ESER Marcela de la Hoz Polo
ESGAR Christoph Zeck ESHNR Stephen Connor
EuSoMII Elmar Kotter ESSR Elena Drakonaki
ESPR  Ignasi Barber Martínez de la Torre ESTI Jürgen Biederer
ESUR Pieter Julien Luc De Visschere

For more information about Education Committee Subcommittees, please see the next tab Education Subcommittees.


e-Learning SubcommitteeChairperson: Fleur Kilburn-Toppin (UK)
Radiology Trainees Forum Subcommittee (RTF)Chairperson: Saif Afat (DE)
Undergraduate Education SubcommitteeChairperson: Edith Vassallo (MT)

The subcommittee on e-Learning takes care of the review and maintenance process of the ESR’s e-Learning platform Education on Demand (


ChairpersonFleur Kilburn-Toppin (UK)
MembersAndrea Alcalá-Galiano (ES)
Alexandra Athanasiou (GR)
Maijana Basta Nikolic (RS)
Alberto Bazzocchi (IT)
Bella Chamokova (RU)
Frances Colgan (NZ)
Ian Craven (UK)
Tilak Das (UK)
Timm Denecke (DE)
Rebecca Duerden (UK)
Amdrew England (UK)
Julia Frühwald-Pallamar (AT)
Elisabetta Giannotti (UK)
Luiza Grzycka-Kowalczyk (PL)
Sahin Hilal (TR)
Maja Hrabak Paar (HR)
Aikaterini Kanavaki (GR)
Katarzyna Katulska (PL)
Willemijn M Klein (NL)
Floortje Klerx-Melis (NL)
Miltiadis Krokidis (GR)
Andrea Lakatos (HU)
Christian Loewe (AT)
Ioana Lupescu (RO)
Stephanie Nougaret (FR)
Teresa Santos Nunes (PT)
Anagha P. Parkar (NO)
Yeliz Pekçevik (TR)
Alexandra Platon (IT)
Lorenzo Preda (IT)
Peter Reimer (DE)
Diogo Roriz (PT)
Rafael Salvador (ES)
Luca Sconfienza (IT)
Maria Magdalena Serra Salas (ES)
Eva Serrão (PT)
Stephan Skornitzke (DE)
Andras Székely (HU)
Marcello Andrea Tipaldi (IT)
Chariklea Triantopoulou (GR)
Joostvan Schuppen (NL)
Ramona Woitek (UK)
Giulia Zamboni (IT)

List of subcommittee members  in PDF →

The Radiology Trainees Forum (RTF) was established as an organisation to represent the views of radiology trainees. It is coordinated by its board and invites all ESR member countries to appoint a trainee representative. The current list of delegates can be viewed below.

RTF Subcommittee Board

ChairpersonSaif Afat (DE)
Chairperson of the ESR Education CommitteeAnnemiek Snoeckx (BE)
Chairperson of the Young ESR CommitteeIoana Gheonea (RO)
Chairperson of the Undergraduate Education SubcommitteeEdith Vassallo (MT)
EDiR Scientific DirectorLaura Oleaga (ES)
MemberAndreas Drossinos (CH)
Judith Herrmann (DE)
Michail Klontzas (GR)
Delia Padurariu (RO)
Kaur Valk (EE)


RTF Delegates

ARMENIAGarik HovhannisyanAUSTRIAAlexander Harold
AZERBAIJANRashida FataliyevaBELARUSYulia Osipava
BELGIUMAnne-Sophie VanhoenackerBOSNIA & HERZEGOVINAAida Vehabović-Delić
BULGARIAPetra PopovaCROATIAGoran Milašin
CYPRUSLoizos ShakallisCZECHIAVlastimil Válek
DENMARKChristian Lund PetersenESTONIAKaur Valk
FINLANDHeidi HuhtanenFRANCESara Benchara
GEORGIAAna BaramidzeGERMANYSaif Afat
Nadine Bayerl
GREECEAthanasios KondylisHUNGARYCsaba Ellák Siket
ICELANDGunnar AndréssonIRELANDPatrick Cooper
ISRAELSamir ShinnawiITALYAntonio Portaluri
KAZAKHSTANNurassyl AxsultanovLATVIAMadara Ratniece
LITHUANIARokas LiaugaudasMALTALara Camilleri
MOLDOVATatiana PaholinițchiMONTENEGROBiljana Vujović
NORWAYMathias Leo KanoldPOLANDOskar Bożek
PORTUGALInácio FreitasROMANIAMihai-Alexandru Ene
RUSSIADaria FilatovaSERBIAIvan Anđelković
SLOVAKIALucia LebduškováSLOVENIAŽiva Miriam Geršak
SPAINHugo GonzálezSWEDENNathalie Norstedt
SWITZERLANDAnna LandsmannUKRAINETetiana Arsenidze
CIRSENauris ZdanovskisEUSOBIMirjam Wielema
ESCRNicola FinkESERCillian McNamara
ESGARKarim SoualmiESHNRHelena Paixão
EuSoMIIPinar YilmazESNRCenk Hepdurgun
ESTIJoan WalterESURRiccardo Ciabattoni


Aims and Objectives of the RTF

The RTF’s objective is to represent the interests of radiology trainees within the ESR, especially with regard to education, careers, research and exchange programmes. The RTF’s most important goal is to provide an equal level of radiological knowledge and skills for radiology trainees all over Europe.

What are the RTF’s objectives?

Ø To stimulate discussion on educational matters within the ESR.

Ø To help with the development and assessment of common standards and to promote equal opportunities for trainees throughout Europe to broaden and develop their experience early in their careers.

Ø To promote research as a regular part of the radiological training curriculum and to encourage the development of paid research jobs.

Ø To aid and encourage the ESR to facilitate and increase the exchange of knowledge and experience among radiology trainees in different European countries. Ø To represent European radiology trainees and young radiologists in the:

  • ESR Education Committee
  • ESR Research Committee
  • ESR e-Learning Subcommittee
  • ESR Undergraduate Education Subcommittee
  • ESOR Steering Committee

Ø To develop surveys to assess different aspects of our above mentioned aims and activities.

Ø To organise specific activities for radiology trainees during the European Congress of Radiology (Highlighted Lectures, Rising Stars Lounge, Meet and Greet Sessions).

RTF Documents

Please find below some information on the past and current activities of the RTF and other interesting documents for trainees:

History and Past Chairpersons of the RTF

Find out more about the History and the Past Chairpersons of the RTF in the document below!

RTF History and Past Chairpersons →

If you wish to get in touch with the members of the RTF Board, an individual national delegate or if you want to receive more information, please send us a message at [email protected]!

Undergraduate Education Subcommittee

ChairpersonEdith Vassallo (MT)
Chairperson of the Education CommitteeAnnemiek Snoeckx (BE)
Chairperson of the RTFSaif Afat (DE)
Rodrigo Alcantara Souza (ES)
Jan Cees de Groot (NL)
Paulo Donato (PT)
Darka Hadnadjev Šimonji (RS)
Bela Purohit (SG)

The Undergraduate Education Subcommittee has developed “Becoming a radiologist”, a guide for those interested in a career in radiology, medical imaging and interventional radiology. Please click here to view the booklet.

Committee Members:

ChairpersonMaija Radzina (LV)
Chairperson of the ESR Board of DirectorsCarlo Catalano (IT)
ESR PresidentAndrea Rockall (UK)
ESR 1st Vice-PresidentMinerva Becker (CH)
ESR 2nd Vice-President Mathias Prokop (NL)
ESR Past-PresidentAdrian P. Brady (IE)
ESR Executive DirectorPeter Baierl (AT)

Committee Members:

ChairpersonChristian Loewe (AT)
ESR PresidentAndrea Rockall (UK)
ESR 1stVice-PresidentMinerva Becker (CH)
ESR 2nd Vice-PresidentMathias Prokop (NL)
Director of ESOR Valerie Vilgrain (FR)
Society Delegates:
ALBANIA Arben Rroji ARMENIA Kostan Galumyan
AUSTRIA Gertraud Heinz AZERBAIJAN Yunus Afandiyev
BELARUS Irina Abelskaya BELGIUM Tom De Beule
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Haris Huseinagić BULGARIA Nikoleta Traikova
CROATIA Goran Roić CYPRUS Chyrsa Tziakouri Shiakalli
CZECHIA Miloslav Roček DENMARK Martin Lundsgaard Hansen
ESTONIA Gert Mikkal FINLAND Juhana Hakumäki
FRANCE Marie-France Bellin GEORGIA George Tsivtsivadze
GERMANY Konstantin Nikolaou GREECE Athanasios Chalazonitis
HUNGARY László Kostyál ICELAND Hjalti M. Thorisson
IRELAND Patricia Cunningham ISRAEL Ilan Shelef
ITALY Andrea Giovagnoni KAZAKHSTAN Raushan I. Rakhimzhanova
LITHUANIA Saulius Lukoševičius LATVIA Atis Svare
MALTA Melvin D’Anastasi LUXEMBOURG Yves Lasar
MONTENEGRO Žanka Cerović MOLDOVA Semion Marga
NORTH MACEDONIA Aleksandar Gjoreski THE NETHERLANDS Jet Quarles van Ufford
POLAND Edyta Szurowska NORWAY Fredrik Nomme
ROMANIA Radu Baz PORTUGAL Luís Curvo Semedo
SERBIA Ružica Maksimović RUSSIA Valentin Sinitsyn
SLOVENIA Vladka Salapura SLOVAKIA Andrej Klepanec
SWEDEN Sara Sehlstedt SPAIN Milagros Otero García
SWITZERLAND Sebastian Schindera UNITED KINGDOM Katharine Halliday
UKRAINE Tatyana Yalinska

Committee Members:

ChairpersonMarc Dewey
Editor-in-Chief of “European Radiology”Bernd Hamm
Editor-in-Chief of “Insights into Imaging” Luis Martí-Bonmatí
Editor-in-Chief of “European Radiology Experimental”Francesco Sardanelli
Editor-in-Chief of “EURORAD”Filipe Caseiro-Alves
ESR Executive DirectorPeter Baierl
Chairperson of the ESR Board of DirectorsCarlo Catalano
2nd Vice-PresidentMathias Prokop
Chairperson of the Finance & Internal Affairs Committee (ex-officio, non-voting)Maija Radzina

For more information about Quality, Safety and Standards Committee
Subcommittees, please see the Quality, Safety and Standards Committee Subcommittees tab.

Committee Members:

ChairpersonEmanuele Neri (IT)
Members at Large

Luis Concepción Aramendía (ES)

Elmar Kotter (DE)

Andrea Rosskopf (CH)

Luca Sconfienza (IT)

Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Audit and StandardsRoman Klöckner (DE)
Chairperson of the Subcommittee on eHealth and InformaticsDaniel Pinto dos Santos (DE)
Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Ultrasound Quality and StandardsThomas Fischer (DE)
Chairperson of the Subcommittee on MR Safety & QualityFrancesco Santini (CH)
Chairperson of the Imaging Referral Guidelines SubcommitteeAlex Rovira (ES)
Chairperson of the EuroSafe Imaging Steering CommitteeBoris Brkljačić (HR)
Co-Opted Member EMA Expert Olivier Clément (FR)
ESR 2nd Vice-PresidentMathias Prokop (NL)
Chairperson of the Subspecialties and Allied Sciences Committee Núria Bargalló Alabart (ES)
Chairperson of the National Societies Committee Christian Loewe (AT)
Chairperson of the Education CommitteeAnnemiek Snoeckx (BE)
Chairperson of the Digital, AI, and Emerging Technologies Committee Konstantin Nikolaou (DE)
Observer member: Patient representativeJudy Birch (UK)
Society Delegates:
ARMENIA Narek Matinyan AUSTRIA Gerlig Wildmann
AZERBAIJAN Nijat Alishev BELARUS Volha Vadzianava
BULGARIA Mariya Nedevska CYPRUS Cleanthis Ioannides
CZECHIA Hynek Mirkva ESTONIA Gert Mikkal
FINLAND Juhana Hakumäki FRANCE Baptiste Morel
GEORGIA Mikheil Baramia GERMANY Christiane Kuhl
GREECE Stylianos Benakis HUNGARY Levente Lánczi
ICELAND Magnus Lúðvíksson IRELAND Margot Brannigan
ISRAEL Gal Ben Arie ITALY Andrea Magistrelli
KAZAKHSTAN Zhanar Kozhakhmetova LATVIA Ilze Apine
LITHUANIA Kristina Valatkevičienė MALTA Richard Pulliccino
MOLDOVA Dinga Veasecslav MONTENEGRO Žanka Cerović
THE NETHERLANDS Jesse Habets NORTH MACEDONIA Dimitar Veljanovski
NORWAY Helga M. Brøgger POLAND Maciej Guziński
PORTUGAL Vasco Magalhães Ramalho ROMANIA Costin Minoiu
RUSSIA Natalia Ledikhova SLOVAKIA Viera Lehotská
SLOVENIA SLOVENIA SPAIN Luis Concepción Aramendía
SWEDEN Joakim Crafoord SWITZERLAND Andreas Gutzeit
UKRAINE Andrii Gurando UNITED KINGDOM Raman Uberoi
CIRSEAlex BarnacleESCRRodrigo Salgado
ESERDragan VasinESGARSofia Gourtsoyiani
ESHIMTJose L. Vercher ConejeroESHNRElizabeth Loney
ESNRTBAESOIMarius Mayerhöfer
ESPRMaria RaissakiESSREva Llopis
ESTIHelmut ProschESURRossano Girometti
EUSOBIEva Maria FallenbergEuSoMIIPinar Yimaz
ESMRMBFrancesco Santini  

Audit and Standards Subcommittee

ChairpersonRoman Klöckner (DE)
Quality, Safety and Standards Committee ChairpersonEmanuele Neri (IT)
National Societies Committee ChairpersonChristian Loewe (AT)
Education Committee ChairpersonAnnemiek Snoeckx (NL)

Luis Curvo Semedo (PT)
David Howlett (UK)
Alexandra Karoussou-Schreiner (LU)
Kamil Kisielewicz (EFOMP) (PL)
Marie Louise Ryan (EFRS) (IE)

Please click here for most recent ESR Publications & Statements, including guidelines produced by the ESR Audit and Standards Subcommittee, published in Insights into Imaging.

Please click here to learn more about the ESR Basic Patient Safety Standards and Audit Tool.

eHealth and Informatics Subcommittee

ChairpersonDaniel Pinto dos Santos (DE)
Quality, Safety and Standards Committee ChairpersonEmanuele Neri (IT)
Digital, AI, and Emerging Technologies Committee Chairperson Konstantin Nikolaou (DE)
National Soceities Committee ChairpersonChristian Loewe (AT)

Renato Cuocolo (IT)

Robin Decoster (EFRS Representative) (BE)

Merel Huisman (NL)

Michail Klontzas (GR)

Luis Martí-Bonmati (ES)

Benoît Rizk (CH)

Christopher Roth (USA)

Evis Sala (IT)

Susan Shelmerdine (IT)

Aad van der Lugt (EIBALL SC Chair) (NL)

Observer member: Patient representativeErik Briers (BE)

Ultrasound Quality and Standards Subcommittee

ChairpersonThomas Fischer (DE)
Quality, Safety and Standards Committee ChairpersonEmanuele Neri (IT)
Subspecialties and Allied Sciences Committee ChairpersonNúria Bargalló Alabart (ES)

Liat Appelbaum (IL)
Vito Cantisani (IT)
Annamaria Deganello (UK)

Tilmann Gräter (AT)

Ernst M. Jung (DE)

Paul Sidhu (UK)


ESR Referral Guidelines Subcommittee

Chairperson/MethodologistÀlex Rovira (ES)
Quality, Safety and Standards Committee ChairpersonEmanuele Neri (IT)
Breast ImagingFleur Kilburn Toppin (EUSOBI) (UK)
Cardiac & Vascular ImagingRozemarijn Vliegenthart (ESCR) (NL)
Christian Loewe (ESCR) (AT)
Rodrigo Salgado (ESCR) (BE)
Gastrointestinal ImagingIsabelle de Kock (ESGAR) (BE)
Roberto Cannella (ESGAR) (IT)
Musculoskeletal ImagingChiara Giraudo (ESSR) (IT)
Neurologic/H&N ImagingFranca Wagner (ESHNR) (CH)
Myriam Edjlali-Goujon (ESNR) (FR)
Ian Craven (ESNR) (UK)
Paediatric ImagingKaren Rosendahl (ESPR) (NO)
Thoracic ImagingGuillaume Chassagnon (ESTI) (FR)
Urologic ImagingFrancesco Giganti (ESUR) (UK)
MethodologistMonique Maas (NL)

MR Safety and Quality Subcommittee

ChairpersonFrancesco Santini (CH)
Quality, Safety and Standards Committee ChairpersonEmanuele Neri (IT)
Education Committee ChairpersonAnnemiek Snoeckx (NL)
National Societies Committee ChairpersonChristian Loewe (AT)
EIBALL Subcommittee ChairpersonAad van der Lugt (NL)

Anne Dorte Blankholm (EFRS) (DE)
Simone Busoni (EFOMP) (IT)
Galina Kirova (BG)
Anna Pichiecchio (IT)
Siegfried Trattnig (AT)

Board Members:

ChairpersonMarion Smits (NL)
EIBIR Scientific DirectorRegina Beets-Tan (NL)
Members at Large

Corinne Balleyguier (FR)
Roberto Blanco Sequeiros (FI)

Susan Shelmerdine (UK)
Zsigmond Tamás Kincses (HU)

RTF representativeMichail Klontzas (GR)
ESR 2nd Vice-PresidentMinerva Becker (CH)
Chairperson of the European Imaging Biomarkers Alliance – EIBALL Aad van der Lugt (NL)

Society Delegates:

ArmeniaHovhannes VardevanyanAustriaElke Gizewski
AzerbaijanLeyla MusayevaBelarusVitali Rymasheuski
BulgariaSilvia TsvetkovaCyprusLoizos Siakallis
CzechiaLukáš LambertEstoniaMartin Reim
FinlandRoberto Blanco SequeirosFranceSébastien Mulé
GeorgiaDudana GachechiladzeGermanyUlrike Attenberger
 GreeceMarianna VlychouHungaryDániel Véreb
IcelandHaraldur BjarnasonIrelandGabrielle Colleran
IsraelNoam TauItalyAndrea Agostini
KazakhstanZhanibek BaiturlinLatviaArtus Balodis
 Lithuania MaltaKelvin Cortis
MontenegroMarija AbramovićThe NetherlandsMartijn Boomsma
North MacedoniaVolca AlijiNorwayLil-Sofie Ording Müller
PolandKatarzyna KatulskaPortugalHugo Marques
RomaniaIoana GheoneaRussiaVlamidir Fokin
SlovakiaMaroš Rudnay SloveniaMaroš Rudnay
SpainAlbert Pons EscodaSwedenKatrine Riklund
SwitzerlandHendrik Von Tengg-KobligkUkraineNatalia Dichko
United KingdomRobert Morgan
CIRSEThomas KrönckeESCRSara Boccalini
ESERMehmet ErturkESGARStuart Taylor
ESHIMTLena UnterrainerESHNRBerit Verbist
ESOIEvis SalaESPRSusan Shelmerdine
ESSREdwin OeiESTIAngaha Parkar
ESUREvis SalaEUSOBIRitse Mann
EuSoMIIJacob Visser

For more information about Research Committee Subcommittees, please see the Research Committee Subcommittees tab.

European Imaging Biomarkers Alliance – EIBALL


EIBALL chair
Prof. Aad Van der Lugt (NL)

EIBALL  member – Research Committee Chair
Prof. Marion Smits (NL)

EIBALL co-opted member with specific expertise on segmentation standardisation project
Prof. Nandita deSouza (UK)

EIBALL co-opted member with specific expertise on QIBA ASL Profile
Prof. Xavier Golay (UK)

EIBALL co-opted member – cross-representation eHealth and Informatics SC
Prof. Daniel Pinto dos Santos (DE)

EIBALL co-opted member with specific expertise (ESHI-MT representative)
Prof. Clemens Cyran (DE)

EIBALL member
Dr. Maria Bali (BE)
Dr. Caroline Caramella (FR)
Dr. Antonella Castellano (IT)
Dr. Pim de Graaf (NL)
Dr. Oliver Diaz (ES)
Prof. Sergios Gatidis (DE)

Prof. Francesco Giganti (UK)
Dr. Wolfgang Kunz (DE)
Dr. Philipp Lohmann (DE)

Prof. Hugo Marques
Dr. Patrick Omouni (CH)
Prof. Sabine Schmidt (CH)
Ms. Claire Steinville (FR)
Dr. Michelle Williams (UK)

The activities of the former ESR Subcommittee on Imaging Biomarkers, ESR Working Group on Personalised Medicine and ESR-EORTC Working Group were merged into EIBALL.


  • Coordinate all ESR activities concerning imaging biomarkers
  • Prepare an inventory of all activities and projects in the field of imaging biomarkers where the ESR is involved
  • Serve as a tool box that provides information about current projects, centres involved in clinical trials and educational activities
  • Define possible imaging biomarkers in different human body regions; oncologic as well as non-oncologic
  • Establish a functional biomarker profile that is current and relevant through the development of an online inventory of biomarkers
  • Enable and encourage the clinical use of biomarkers by setting standards for data acquisition and image processing
  • Closely collaborate with EIBIR to maintain an updated list of European centres of excellence (core institutions) for the implementation and clinical validation of imaging biomarkers
  • Closely collaborate with the EORTC (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer) and its Imaging Group with regard to the inclusion of radiologists in multicentre trials and the development of a biomarker inventory
  • Closely collaborate with QIBA (technical validation synergies) to avoid duplication of development and EORTC (biological validation) to coordinate strategies, find complementarity, and benefit from synergies

Committee Members:

Núria Bargalló Alabart (ES)
ESGAR representative
Marc Zins (FR)
ESR President
Andrea Rockall (UK)
ESHI-MT representative
Clemens Cyran (DE)
ESR 1st Vice-President
Minerva Becker (CH)
ESHNR representative
Timothy Beale (UK)
ESR 2nd Vice-President
Mathias Prokop (NL)
ESMRMB representative
Patricia Figueiredo (PT)
Chairperson of the Education Committee
Annemiek Snoeckx (BE)
ESNR representative
Andrea Rossi (IT)
Chairperson of the Quality, Safety and Standards Committee 
Emanuele Neri (IT)
ESOI representative
Emanuele Neri (IT)
Chairperson of the Research Committee 
Marion Smits (NL)
ESPR representative
Maria Argyropoulou
Director of the European School of Radiology 
Valerie Vilgrain (FR)
ESSR representative
Antoine Feydy (FR)
ESR Executive Director 
Peter Baierl (AT)
ESTI representative
Anagha Parkar (NO)
CIRSE representative
Philippe Pereira (UK)
ESUR representative
Michele Bertolotto (ES)
ESCR representative
Rodrigo Salgado (BE)
EUSOBI representative
Michael Fuchsjäger (AT)
ESER representative
Cem Calli (TR)
EuSoMII representative
Peter van Ooijen (NL)

Committee Members:

ChairpersonKonstantin Nikolaou (DE)
Quality, Safety, and Standards Committee ChairEmanuele Neri (IT)
eHealth & Informatics Subcommittee ChairDaniel Pinto dos Santos (DE)
Education Committee ChairAnnemiek Snoeckx (BE)
Young ESR Committee ChairIoana Gheonea (RO)
 Cross-Sectional Imaging Subcommittee ChairAndreas Hötker (CH)
Contrast Agents, Tracers & Theranostics Subcommittee ChairFerdia Gallagher (UK)
Interventional Radiology & Robotics Subcommittee ChairPierleone Lucatelli (IT)
Members-at-LargeEnder Konukoglu (CH)
Julia Schnabel (DE)
Aad van der Lugt (NL)
EFRS RepresentativeEmma Edwards (UK)

Cross-Sectional Imaging Subcommittee

ChairpersonAndreas Hötker (CH)
Chairperson of the Digital, AI and Emerging Technologies CommitteeKonstantin Nikoloau (DE)
MembersMarc Kachelriess (DE)
Victor Mergen (CH)
Martin Graves (UK)
Stephanie Nougaret (FR)
Ivo Rausch (AT)
Clemens Mingels (CH)
Diane Renz (DE)
Merel Huisman (NL)

Contrast Agents, Tracers & Theranostics Subcommittee

ChairpersonFerdia Gallagher (UK)
Chairperson of the Digital, AI and Emerging Technologies CommitteeKonstantin Nikolaou (DE)
MembersAart van der Molen (NL)
Giles Roditi (UK)
Tara Barwick (UK)
Christoffer Laustsen (DK)
Vasilis Ntziachristos (DE)
Clemens Cyran (DE)

Interventional Radiology & Robotics Subcommittee


Pierleone Lucatelli (IT)

Chairperson of the Digital, AI and Emerging Technologies Committee

Konstantin Nikolaou (DE)


Stavros Spiliopoulos (GR)
Lorenzo Patrone (UK/IT)
Irene Bargellini (IT)
Maarten Smits (NL)
Wladyslaw Gedroyc (UK)
Laetitia Saccenti (FR)
Leonor Cerda Alberich (ES)

Committee Members:

ChairpersonIoana Gheonea (RO)
Chairperson of the Education CommitteeAnnemiek Snoeckx (BE)
Chairperson of the Communication and Interdisciplinary Affairs CommitteeMarie-Pierre Revel (FR)
EDiR Scientific DirectorLaura Oleaga (ES)
ESOR Scientific DirectorValerie Vilgrain (FR)
Editor-in-Chief of the ESR Journal FamilyBernd Hamm (DE)
Chairperson of the RTF SubcommitteeSaif Afat (DE)
Chairperson of the Sustainability SubcommitteeSarah Sheard (UK)
Chairperson of the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion SubcommitteeAnagha Parkar (NO)
BoD RepresentativeCarlo Catalano (IT)

Lucian Florescu (RO)

Viktoria Pozdniakova (NO)

Jose Tiago Baptista (PT)

Guillaume Chassagnon (FR)

Sustainability Subcommittee:

ChairpersonSarah Sheard (UK)
Chairperson of the Young ESR Committee
Ioana Gheonea (RO)
EFRS RepresentativeMoreno Zanardo (IT)
MembersCamille Bourillon (FR)
Mark Burgmans (NL)
Andreea Cirlig (RO)
Heleen Dekker (NL)
Tobias Heye (CH)
Michael Jackson (UK)
Jan Vosshenrich (CH)

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee:

ChairpersonAnagha Parkar (NO)
Chairperson of the Young ESR Committee
Ioana Gheonea (RO)

Mihai-Alexandru Ene (RO)
Amaka Offiah (UK)

Conduct policy

Conduct Policy for officers of the European Society of Radiology

The European Society of Radiology (ESR) is an apolitical, non-profit organisation, dedicated to promoting and coordinating the scientific, philanthropic, intellectual and professional activities of Radiology in all European countries. The Society’s mission at all times is to serve the health care needs of the general public through the support of science, teaching and research and the quality of service in the field of radiology.

The integrity of its officers is essential to achieve this mission. It is critical to the integrity of the ESR that those serving in elected or appointed positions avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest. All decisions and actions must be made solely to the benefit of the ESR, without regard to personal considerations.

In order to comply with these principles, all ESR officers are asked to complete a disclosure declaration form, following the ESR’s requirement to disclose any possible conflict between their duties towards the ESR and their private interests.

Declaration forms will be updated annually. When encountering potential conflicts of interest, ESR officers must identify the potential conflict and, when required, remove themselves from all discussion and voting on the matter.

The ESR may disqualify any individual from their activities within the ESR if a conflict of interest is not disclosed or cannot be resolved.


Explore the European Society of Radiology’s Statutes.

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for radiologists, radiology residents, professionals of allied sciences (including radiographers/radiological technologists, nuclear medicine physicians, medical physicists, and data scientists) & professionals of allied sciences in training residing within the boundaries of Europe

  • Reduced registration fees for ECR 1
  • Reduced fees for the European School of Radiology (ESOR) 2
  • Option to participate in the European Diploma. 3
  • Free electronic access to the journal European Radiology 
  • Content e-mails for all ESR journals4
  • Updates on offers & events through our newsletters
  • Exclusive access to the ESR feed in Juisci

€ 11 /year

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Free membership

for radiologists, radiology residents or professionals of allied sciences engaged in practice, teaching or research residing outside Europe as well as individual qualified professionals with an interest in radiology and medical imaging who do not fulfil individual or all requirements for any other ESR membership category & former full members who have retired from all clinical practice
  • Reduced registration fees for ECR 1
  • Option to participate in the European Diploma. 3
  • Free electronic access to the journal European Radiology
  • Content e-mails for all ESR journals 4
  • Updates on offers & events through our newsletters
  • Exclusive access to the ESR feed in Juisci

€ 0

The best things in life are free.

ESR Friends

For students, company representatives or hospital managers etc.

  • Content e-mails for all 3 ESR journals 4
  • Updates on offers & events through our newsletters

€ 0

Friendship doesn’t cost a thing.

The membership type best fitting for you will be selected automatically during the application process.



Reduced registration fees for ECR 2025:
Provided that ESR 2024 membership is activated and approved by August 31, 2024.

Reduced registration fees for ECR 2026:
Provided that ESR 2025 membership is activated and approved by August 31, 2025.

Not all activities included
Examination based on the ESR European Training Curriculum (radiologists or radiology residents).
European Radiology, Insights into Imaging, European Radiology Experimental.