

The European Society of Radiology is at the forefront of advancing patient care and ensuring that individuals receive the help they need through the field of radiology. With a dedicated focus on promoting research, education, and innovation in medical imaging, the ESR plays a crucial role in improving patient outcomes across Europe.

What the Statue Represents in Our Patient Section

As the captivating visual centrepiece for our patient section, we have chosen a female statue in a self-protecting pose that undergoes distortion before ultimately returning to its original form. This image carries several layers of meaning. Disease and illness can distort one’s perception of oneself, as symbolized by the statue’s movement. 

It also represents the body being out of balance. The depiction of the body in slices is reminiscent of cross-sectional MRI images, emphasizing the crucial role of radiology in the patient’s journey to health. The choice of a statue was deliberate, as statues are typically erected to honour heroes, and each patient’s journey to recovery is a courageous one. In the end, the statue is reassembled, symbolizing the patient’s transformation into their own hero. 


In 2013, the European Society of Radiology established the ESR Patient Advisory Group (ESR-PAG), enhancing their communication with patient groups. Comprised of dedicated patient ambassadors and imaging professionals, the ESR-PAG gives patients a distinct voice in medical imaging. These members emphasize the importance of greater patient involvement.

Who is part of the PAG?

Enhance Patient Understanding with Our Visual Info Posters

The ESR Patient Advisory Group has created seven posters to explain to patients, using images only, what they need to know before, during and after different imaging procedures.  

These posters cover the most common imaging modalities and aim to improve the information that patients receive in advance of their imaging procedures, to help them prepare. By using images only the posters can help to minimise language barriers, can be understood immediately, and are easy to remember. 

How to use the posters 

We recommend printing the posters and displaying them in your imaging department waiting rooms. 

In addition the posters can be sent to patients digitally in advance of their imaging procedure, to help them prepare.  

FAQs for patients

Through the link provided below, patients can access answers to frequently asked questions about their radiological procedures. This resource is a part of the ESR EuroSafe Imaging initiative, which strives to enhance the quality and safety of medical imaging and improve information for patients. Further information is added regularly.


“Be Accepted” is a campaign led by Caroline Justich, Chair of ESR-PAG, and supported by the ESR. It provides comprehensive support to women diagnosed with cancer, accompanying them throughout their entire journey. This initiative not only improves patient communication and workflow for radiologists but also benefits all medical specialists by ensuring patients are well-informed and prepared.

A day in the life of patients and imaging professionals

Read interesting stories of patients describing a day  in their life battling disease and imaging professionals giving insight into their day-to-day work.

A day in the life of an MS patient.

When weekdays feel like weird Sundays sometimes …

Some weeks ago, everything was ok. I lived a normal life. With MS. I travelled, worked, was in touch with other people, was active and sometimes a little bit stressed. But life was good. Then corona arrived and with it the restrictions and new rules for us all. Not easy for some people and lots of questions came up. Panic was there and people started to hoard food and other things.

It seemed that the most important thing at first was to have enough toilet paper, then anxiety and worries found their way. Patients were especially worried about their treatments, care and doctor visits. The whole situation is overwhelming for all of us and for some really dramatic. We can see that in the news.

My life with MS now …

Keep on reading →

Patients in focus

The Patients in Focus programme, organised with the ESR Patient Advisory Group (PAG), took place at the European Congress of Radiology 2022. With the goal of enhancing patient-doctor communication, the programme featured 15 sessions attended by patients, radiologists, radiographers, and representatives from various medical disciplines. The event was open to the public and included social events, interviews, and e-posters created by radiologists and patients. Access to all Patients in Focus and Be Accepted sessions is available for free on ESR Connect on-demand.

Patients in Focus ePosters →


Here you can find links to factsheets from the SINFONIA project, which is coordinated by the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research
(EIBIR). The factsheets cover three different topics: diagnostic radiology, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine, specifically aimed at the general
public and patients.

AI-POD Project

Through the link provided below, patients can access answers to frequently asked questions about their radiological procedures. This resource is a part of the ESR EuroSafe Imaging initiative, which strives to enhance the quality and safety of medical imaging and improve information for patients. Further information is added regularly.

Hospital links to patient information

With the help of the ESR’s member societies, we have identified a number of European hospitals that provide patient information on radiological procedures and methods on their websites. The ESR takes no responsibility for third party content or external websites.

Allgemeines Krankenhaus (AKH)
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
1090 Wien

CHC Liège
Clinique St Joseph
Rue de Hesbaye 75
4000 Liège

CHU Charleroi
Blvd P. Janson 92
6000 Charleroi

Institut Jules Bordet (en francais)
1 rue H. Bordet
1000 Bruxelles
UZ Leuven
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven

Tampere University Hospital 
Elämänaukio 2
33520 Tampere

Helsinki University Hospital
Tenholantie 10, 00280 Helsinki

Kuopio University Hospital
Puijonlaaksontie 2, 70210 Kuopio
Turku University Hospital
Kiinamyllynkatu 4-8, 20521 Turku
Oulu  University Hospital
Kajaanintie 50, 90220 Oulu

Institut Curie
26 rue d’Ulm
75248 Paris cedex 05
Le journal de l’Institut Curie

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charitéplatz 1,
10117 Berlin
Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Fleischmannstraße 8
17489 Greifswald
Universitätsklinikum Essen
Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen

Spital Thurgau AG
Waldeggstrasse 8a
8501 Frauenfeld

UniversitätsSpital Zürich
Rämistrasse 100
8091 Zürich

Kantonsspital Baden
Im Ergel
5404 Baden
Kantonsspital Aarau

Tellstrasse 25
CH-5001 Aarau

Contact the ESR Patient Advisory Group

Become A Member Today!

You will have access to a wide range of benefits that can help you advance your career and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of radiology. These benefits include access to educational resources, networking opportunities with other professionals in the field, opportunities to participate in research projects and clinical trials, and access to the latest technologies and techniques. 

Check out our different membership options.

If you don’t find a fitting membership send us an email here.


for radiologists, radiology residents, professionals of allied sciences (including radiographers/radiological technologists, nuclear medicine physicians, medical physicists, and data scientists) & professionals of allied sciences in training residing within the boundaries of Europe

  • Reduced registration fees for ECR 1
  • Reduced fees for the European School of Radiology (ESOR) 2
  • Option to participate in the European Diploma. 3
  • Free electronic access to the journal European Radiology 
  • Content e-mails for all ESR journals4
  • Updates on offers & events through our newsletters
  • Exclusive access to the ESR feed in Juisci

€ 11 /year

Yes! That is less than €1 per month.

Free membership

for radiologists, radiology residents or professionals of allied sciences engaged in practice, teaching or research residing outside Europe as well as individual qualified professionals with an interest in radiology and medical imaging who do not fulfil individual or all requirements for any other ESR membership category & former full members who have retired from all clinical practice
  • Reduced registration fees for ECR 1
  • Option to participate in the European Diploma. 3
  • Free electronic access to the journal European Radiology
  • Content e-mails for all ESR journals 4
  • Updates on offers & events through our newsletters
  • Exclusive access to the ESR feed in Juisci

€ 0

The best things in life are free.

ESR Friends

For students, company representatives or hospital managers etc.

  • Content e-mails for all 3 ESR journals 4
  • Updates on offers & events through our newsletters

€ 0

Friendship doesn’t cost a thing.

The membership type best fitting for you will be selected automatically during the application process.



Reduced registration fees for ECR 2025:
Provided that ESR 2024 membership is activated and approved by August 31, 2024.

Not all activities included
Examination based on the ESR European Training Curriculum (radiologists or radiology residents).
European Radiology, Insights into Imaging, European Radiology Experimental.