Biomarkers Breast

The following list has been reviewed and approved by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI)




Level of evidence


Acquisition requirements



Established biomarkers

Mammographic breast density

Breast cancer risk, stratification of mammographic sensitivity

1 [1-4!]



Qualitative ACR BI-RADS, quantitative computer-assisted (commercial) 

Standardization, reproducibility of visual assessment,

Individual CAD systems reproducible but poor inter reproducibility.



Differential diagnosis of breast MRI lesions, response to NAC

1 [5-13!]


MRI with DWI, 2 b-values 0-50 and 800 s/mm2

Visual co-registration of enhancing lesion and ADC map, ROI

Standardization, generally accepted cut-off, pitfalls


Pharmacokinetic mapping of DCE data in breast MRI

Differential diagnosis (benign vs malignant), cancer phenotyping, response assessment to NAT

2-3 [14-18!]

Limited (due to heterogeneity)

MRI T1w DCE sequence, temporal resolution <20 sec

Multiple available models, most common free deconvolution, Tofts, modified Tofts

Huge standardization issues


Ultrafast DCE-MRI markers

Differential diagnosis of breast MRI lesions

2 [19-23!]


MRI T1w DCE acquisition with a temporal resolution around 5 sec

Time-to-Enhancement (TTE)/time-of-arrival (TOA), maximum slope, initial slope,  initial enhancement ratio, initial area under the curve

Standardization, generally accepted cut-off


Kaiser score

Differential diagnosis of breast MRI lesions

1 [24-29!]


Breast MRI according to international recommendations

Visual assessment of 5 dynamic and morphologic features

Official accreditation by societies


Shear Wave Velocity/ Strain elasticity

Differential diagnosis, evaluation of treatment response

1-2 [30-34!]


US device with elastography capability

Visual assessment, ROI for quantitative measurements, ratios

Standardization, generally accepted cut-offs


Doppler ultrasound: RI/PI

Differential diagnosis, evaluation of treatment response

2 [35, 36!]


Doppler ultrasound

Acquisition of blood flow spectrum

Standardization, generally accepted cut-offs


Contrast-enhanced ultrasound general

Differential diagnosis, evaluation of treatment response

2 [37!]


Contrast enhanced ultrasound

Visual assessment, ROI for time-signal intensity curves

Standardization, generally accepted criteria


CEUS parameters Time to peak, peak intensity, wash-in & wash-out rate, area under curve

Differential diagnosis, evaluation of treatment response

2-3 [36, 37!]


Contrast enhanced ultrasound

Visual assessment, ROI for time-signal intensity curves

Standardization, identification of most useful quantitative parameters, generally accepted cut-offs

Biomarkers under investigation /in development

Advanced Diffusion Weighted Imaging

Differential diagnosis (benign vs malignant), cancer phenotyping, response assessment to NAT

2-3 [12, 38-53!]


MRI, acquisition parameters depend on specific technique

Data analysis depends on specific technique

Standardization, accepted cut-offs


Volumetric automated assessment of DCE data in breast MRI

Differential diagnosis (benign vs malignant), cancer phenotyping, response assessment to NAT

2 [16, 54-63!]


MRI T1w DCE sequence

Multiple software tools available, detection of hotspot/most suspicious enhancement, volume of enhancement, distribution of curve-types within lesion

Definite use-case, standardization


Background parenchymal enhancement (breast MRI)

Breast cancer risk, prediction of response to NAT

1 [64-73!]


Dynamic-Contrast-Enhanced MRI

Qualitative ACR BI-RADS, quantitative (experimental)

Standardization, conflicting evidence


Total Choline (tCho) from proton MR-spectroscopy

Differential diagnosis (benign vs malignant), cancer phenotyping, response assessment to NAT

1 [74-78!]


MR-spectroscopy sequence, PRESS or STEAM, TE30-270ms, best 135 ms

Postprocessing, then visual assessment, SNR determination or quantitation

Standardization, low technical sensitivity


FDG-uptake (PET)

Differential diagnosis (benign vs malignant), cancer phenotyping, response assessment to NAT

2 [36, 79-86!]


18F-labeled Fluor-deoxyglucose PET

Visual, ROI for SUV evaluation

Standardization, clinical use-case


FEC-uptake (PET)

Differential diagnosis (benign vs malignant), cancer phenotyping, response assessment to NAT

3 [87-89!]


18F-labeled Fluor-ethylcholine PET

Visual, ROI for SUV evaluation

Standardization, clinical use-case


FES-uptake (PET)

Whole body staging and response to therapy

3-4 [90-95!]


16α-[18F]-fluoro-17β-estradiol PET

Visual, ROI for SUV evaluation

Standardization, clinical use-case


FDG Background parenchymal uptake (PET)

Breast cancer risk, cancer phenotyping, response assessment to NAT

3 [86, 96-98!]


18F-labeled Fluor-deoxyglucose PET

ROI/VOI for SUV evaluation

Standardization, conflicting evidence


Radiomics and Radiogenomics signatures, Deep learning, A.I.

Differential diagnosis (benign vs malignant), cancer phenotyping, response assessment to NAT

2-3 [99-102!]


Imaging data




Oxygenated/ Deoxygenated Haemoglobin

Differential diagnosis (benign vs malignant), response assessment to NAT



Optical imaging

MIPs, parametric maps, visual assessment, quantification of concentration

Standardisation, clinical use


Quantitative ultrasound parameters (attenuation/ scatter coefficients, entropy, textural parameters etc.)

Differential diagnosis (benign vs malignant), response assessment to NAT



Quantitative ultrasound techniques

Data analysis depends on specific technique

Standardization, clinical use


Peritumoral oedema

Differential diagnosis (benign vs malignant),

cancer phenotyping, response assessment to NAT

2 [103-109!]


MRI T2w sequence


Qualitative, Visual assessment

Standardization, reproducibility of visual assessment, clinical use



Differential diagnosis (benign vs malignant), response assessment to NAT

2-3 [110-113!]


Contrast-enhanced mammography

Visual assessment of enhancement; semiquantitative contrast measures under investigation

Needs representative data & benchmarking against standard of care

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  96. Leithner D, Horvat JV, Bernard-Davila B, et al (2019) A multiparametric [18F]FDG PET/MRI diagnostic model including imaging biomarkers of the tumor and contralateral healthy breast tissue aids breast cancer diagnosis. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 46:1878–1888.
  97. Mema E, Mango VL, Guo X, et al (2018) Does breast MRI background parenchymal enhancement indicate metabolic activity? Qualitative and 3D quantitative computer imaging analysis. J Magn Reson Imaging JMRI 47:753–759.
  98. Choi BB, Kim SH, Park CS, Jung NY (2017) Correlation of Prognostic Factors of Invasive Lobular Carcinoma with ADC Value of DWI and SUVMax of FDG-PET. Chonnam Med J 53:133–139.
  99. Lo Gullo R, Daimiel I, Morris EA, Pinker K (2020) Combining molecular and imaging metrics in cancer: radiogenomics. Insights Imaging 11:1.
  100. Le EPV, Wang Y, Huang Y, et al (2019) Artificial intelligence in breast imaging. Clin Radiol 74:357–366.
  101. O’Connor JPB, Aboagye EO, Adams JE, et al (2017) Imaging biomarker roadmap for cancer studies. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 14:169–186.
  102. Gillies RJ, Kinahan PE, Hricak H (2016) Radiomics: Images Are More than Pictures, They Are Data. Radiology 278:563–577.
  103. Moffa G, Galati F, Collalunga E, et al (2020) Can MRI Biomarkers Predict Triple-Negative Breast Cancer? Diagn Basel Switz 10:.
  104. Panzironi G, Moffa G, Galati F, et al (2020) Peritumoral edema as a biomarker of the aggressiveness of breast cancer: results of a retrospective study on a 3 T scanner. Breast Cancer Res Treat 181:53–60.
  105. Baltzer PAT, Yang F, Dietzel M, et al (2010) Sensitivity and specificity of unilateral edema on T2w-TSE sequences in MR-Mammography considering 974 histologically verified lesions. Breast J 16:233–239.
  106. Cheon H, Kim HJ, Kim TH, et al (2018) Invasive Breast Cancer: Prognostic Value of Peritumoral Edema Identified at Preoperative MR Imaging. Radiology 287:68–75.
  107. Kaiser CG, Herold M, Krammer J, et al (2017) Prognostic Value of “Prepectoral Edema” in MR-mammography. Anticancer Res 37:1989–1995.
  108. Dietzel M, Baltzer PA, Vag T, et al (2011) Potential of MR mammography to predict tumor grading of invasive breast cancer. RöFo Fortschritte Auf Dem Geb Röntgenstrahlen Nukl 183:826–833.
  109. Baltzer PAT, Dietzel M, Gajda, et al (2012) A systematic comparison of two pulse sequences for edema assessment in MR-mammography. Eur J Radiol 81:1500–1503.
  110. Zanardo M, Cozzi A, Trimboli RM, et al (2019) Technique, protocols and adverse reactions for contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM): a systematic review. Insights Imaging 10:76.
  111. Suter MB, Pesapane F, Agazzi GM, et al (2020) Diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced spectral mammography for breast lesions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Breast Edinb Scotl 53:8–17.
  112. Tang S, Xiang C, Yang Q (2020) The diagnostic performance of CESM and CE-MRI in evaluating the pathological response to neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Radiol 93:20200301.
  113. Zamora K, Allen E, Hermecz B (2021) Contrast mammography in clinical practice: Current uses and potential diagnostic dilemmas. Clin Imaging 71:126–135.

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for radiologists, radiology residents, professionals of allied sciences (including radiographers/radiological technologists, nuclear medicine physicians, medical physicists, and data scientists) & professionals of allied sciences in training residing within the boundaries of Europe

  • Reduced registration fees for ECR 1
  • Reduced fees for the European School of Radiology (ESOR) 2
  • Option to participate in the European Diploma. 3
  • Free electronic access to the journal European Radiology 
  • Content e-mails for all ESR journals4
  • Updates on offers & events through our newsletters
  • Exclusive access to the ESR feed in Juisci

€ 11 /year

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Free membership

for radiologists, radiology residents or professionals of allied sciences engaged in practice, teaching or research residing outside Europe as well as individual qualified professionals with an interest in radiology and medical imaging who do not fulfil individual or all requirements for any other ESR membership category & former full members who have retired from all clinical practice
  • Reduced registration fees for ECR 1
  • Option to participate in the European Diploma. 3
  • Free electronic access to the journal European Radiology
  • Content e-mails for all ESR journals 4
  • Updates on offers & events through our newsletters
  • Exclusive access to the ESR feed in Juisci

€ 0

The best things in life are free.

ESR Friends

For students, company representatives or hospital managers etc.

  • Content e-mails for all 3 ESR journals 4
  • Updates on offers & events through our newsletters

€ 0

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Reduced registration fees for ECR 2025:
Provided that ESR 2024 membership is activated and approved by August 31, 2024.

Reduced registration fees for ECR 2026:
Provided that ESR 2025 membership is activated and approved by August 31, 2025.

Not all activities included
Examination based on the ESR European Training Curriculum (radiologists or radiology residents).
European Radiology, Insights into Imaging, European Radiology Experimental.